The answer is YES. It must be! We have created our system with industrial grade materials to ensure the
production of accurate, highly informative real-time feedback during dangerous and varying turnaround
conditions anywhere on the globe.
In this video, you can see our VISICS equipment being tested for water resistance. This innovative field test
ran for 21 days and nights to confirm that we are providing reliable safety equipment. Experimental testing
isn’t all we’ve done though.
Our systems are used internationally- in over 15 different countries year-round, so they have proven
successful in several environmental situations. This includes weather conditions such as snow in Canada
and Sweden, extreme heat in Kazakhstan, rain and humidity in the gulf of the United States and more.
The hardware that we rely on to keep our equipment weatherproof includes high quality, specially
designed industrial connectors and rubber seals that keep water and other elements from contacting
the electronics inside. Our technology is designed specifically for heavy industries, with their challenges
and applications in mind.
Would you like to put it to the test for yourself? We recommend setting up a pilot to see it live and in
action! For more information on our pilot program, reach out to us via the contact form or contact your
area representative directly.
Europe:, +31 6 28 43 87 46
North America & APAC:, +49 176 77 25 66 10